
Welcome to the
Prayer Guide for
She’s Somebody’s Daughter

Our hope is that this guide provides unified direction in the way our community of love and hope prays for SSD, those we serve, and the issues surrounding human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Each prayer request is numbered and intended for that day of the month. For example, on the 12th of every month, all those using this prayer guide will be lifting up SSD’s Resource Partners.

We have seen many answers to prayer as God moves in and through She’s Somebody’s Daughter and we acknowledge that so much of this mission is simply beyond us. We are so excited to see what He does as we unify together in prayer.

Thank you again, and may you find favor as you serve in the spiritual realm.


SSD Staff

Click here to download a printable copy of this prayer guide.

1. Leadership Team - Pray for SSD’s leaders to have discernment and wisdom in their positions and to remain centered on Christ.

2. Volunteers - Praise God for the many who serve with SSD, for their protection from spiritual backlash, and for encouragement in their role.

3. Awareness - Ask the Lord for more opportunities to share the message of she’s somebody’s daughter in our communities.

4. Prevention - Ask the Lord for open doors in youth audiences in order to prevent future exploitation with the Not-A-Number curriculum.

5. North Outreach - Pray over our North Visiting Team and their visits and online outreach, for connections made, and for favor.

6. South Outreach - Pray over our South Visiting Team and their visits and online outreach, for connections made, and for favor.

7. Demand Disruption Efforts - Praise God for the launch of Meet the Demand and ask for favor as we seek to address the root of exploitation.

8. Individuals in the Demand - Lift up the men and women participating in the demand of others’ exploitation. May they be set free.

9. Individuals Exploiting Others - Pray for those who are trafficking others, for their hearts to be turned toward Jesus and His abundant life.

10. Intervention Team - Cover our first responders.

11. Partner Churches - Praise God for the churches in our community of love and hope.

12. Resource Partners - Praise God for the agencies and service providers who come alongside SSD in support of the women we serve.

13. Crisis Provision - Ask the Lord for our daily bread of provision for crisis moments.

14. In-Office Programming - Lift up the therapeutic programs occurring in the SSD offices. May they be beneficial and life-giving to all who participate.

15. Bible Studies - Praise God for the spiritual growth occurring and ask for more to attend.

16. WorthIt - Pray for this empowering program that connects participants with service providers and helps break the cycle of exploitation.

17. Survivor Forum - Praise God for survivor leaders who bring incredible insight. Pray for protection as they step out.

18. Women Supported within SSD - Lift up the wonderful women met in outreach, referred for services, and supported through programming. 

19. Donors - Praise God for those giving to SSD’s vision and helping to move it forward. Ask God for an increase in financial partners.

20. Breaking Strongholds - Join us in the spiritual fight against the strongholds of cultural messaging about pornography and sexuality.

21. Legal Steps - Pray for those advocating for legal shifts from areas of criminalizing victims to criminalizing exploiters.

22. Abolition Community - Lift up members of the abolition community and cover them in prayers for protection and a sense of unity.

23. Survivor Safe Homes - Pray over those providing survivors with long-term, everyday care. Ask for encouragement, provision, and strength.

24. Upcoming Generation - Pray for the generations to come to know their true identities as Image Bearers of our Heavenly Father and to have the freedom and courage to live in that truth.

25. Teens Running Away - Pray for teens running away from their homes to be met with kindness from safe people and to be pointed to beneficial and healing resources.

26. Risk Factors - Ask God for wisdom and provision for those addressing vulnerabilities that put people at risk for exploitation.

27. Foster Care - Lift up all who are involved in foster care: for caseworkers, foster parents, and for overwhelming love and safety for children within the system.

28. Cultural Influences - Pray for a shift in cultural messaging to be a form of positive empowerment rather than objectifying people.

29. Law Enforcement Officers - Lift up LEOs working to end trafficking and exploitation, for opportunity and protection as they carry out investigations and raids.

30. Political Influencers - Pray for wisdom and favor for those who are making decisions that influence abolition efforts.

31. Global End of Human Trafficking - Ask God to bring an end to trafficking of human beings, to see abolition come to fruition.